The birth of a child should be the happiest moment of your life. Unfortunately, complications may occur. Birth injuries are physical injuries to newborn babies that occur during pregnancy, labor and delivery, or shortly after birth. Many of them are preventable injuries caused by improper or negligent medical care. If you suspect this may have happened to your child, a birth injury lawyer may be able to help you.
What A Birth Injury Lawyer Can Do
An experienced birth injury attorney can help to determine the origin of a birth injury. Common conditions resulting from birth injuries include:
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Erb’s Palsy (also called Brachial Plexus Palsy)
  • Brain swelling or hemorrhaging
  • Skull fractures or other bone damage
  • Nerve damage
  • Brain damage due to lack of oxygen (hypoxia) caused by umbilical cord compression or strangulation.
Birth injury lawyers work with families to examine the circumstances and procedures of a birth to establish the possibility and responsibility for preventable birth injuries. Seeking answers from medical practitioners or institutions can prove difficult without the help of a birth injury lawyer.


How a Birth Injury Lawyer Can Help
Birth Injury Attorneys are not doctors but an experienced birth injury lawyer will be aware of the immediate signs of a possible birth injury, such as bruises, abrasions, or poor reflexes after delivery. Later symptoms of a birth injury may include:
  • Failure of a child to reach developmental milestones on time, such as crawling, standing up, or walking
  • Lack of muscle or neurological coordination
  • Learning challenges or disabilities


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